Sunday, April 5, 2009

this weekend!

This weekend, Kevin and I ran lots of errands, including picking out centerpieces for his law review banquet, clipping maggie and cleaning house! I feel like we were actually productive for the first time in a while! I also attended the church where I work in their daycare center and had a wonderful time! Pastor Chad is hilarious and uplifting! The music was great and I enjoyed the start of a new week! Kevin had to write a will for class so he skipped out and I felt since he is writing a will I should probably attend church! lol! If your ever in Norman, visit the SPCC church on Boyd! Or visit their website at where they do podcasts!
Above is Maggie after her clipping! She loves to cuddle up with Kevin while he studies and she can sleep! I was busy cleaning the house-you see the fairness in that!
Doesnt she look pretty! Kevin and I thought since he can clip cattle and get paid for it, we could manage to clip a schnauzer! For our first time, not to bad!
She was getting lots of treats after putting up with us, so she wouldnt look at the camera because Kevin had the treats!
Doesnt she look miserable letting us do this to her! She was a real trooper! We did decide we would have to have a professional do it before we took her on any major holidays cause they do a better job and they give her a cute little rhinestone bow!
Here is Kevin getting started! I will tell you he was more nervous than he was when he took his LSATs I mean I had to take the clippers and do most of it, and for everyone who reads this blog you know I am not as talented as Kevin but at least I wasnt nervous and kept a steady hand!
This is her getting blow dried before the cut!
She hates me when I blow dry her!

1 comment:

  1. PetSmart sells a video on how to clip dogs....
